Kwali was born June 2, 2005, and laid to rest on May 8,2019. He was Kwali Aaron my one TRUE Love! I’ll reminisce on all the good memories we shared together. I’ll never forget all that you’ve taught me at such a young age. You were so smart, talented, caring, and always willing to give and help when u can. Mommy little goof ball, lol. I miss it ALL!!. You have always been my motivation and will always be the reason why I do not give up. I will always keep going, keep pushing, keep striving because of you.

In The Eyes of Dee Camp

To keep Kwali memories alive we attend the annual  #walkoutofdarkness Suicide prevention walk in Philly. We walk as a family on a journey of remebrance, hope and support Kwali Shockley  Join us next year in the fight to stop suicide. Your mental health matter. Mental health is something that can easily be overlooked. Someone can be going through hell in their mind and you could never even know and it hurts tremendously when it’s your own child and you don’t notice until it’s too late. But as I’m always told everything happens for a reason….good and bad. The reasoning behind this I will never truly know but to keep a sane mind I give it to God in prayer and continue to press on the best way I know how~ I Love You Kwali, Continue to rest peacefully my son💙Until we meet again

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