About Us

About Us

As the founder of In The Eyes of Grieving Mothers, alongside our dedicated staff and compassionate fellow grieving families. Together, we weave a tapestry of support, where each story, each tear, and each triumph adds a vibrant thread to the fabric of resilience. As we walk this path with you, lighting the way towards a brighter tomorrow. We envision a journey of collective determination, where the echoes of shared stories become the foundation of resilience. Let this be a haven where the deep, lasting effects of grief transform into a testament of courage and spiritual renewal. 

Together, let us foster a community that exemplifies determination, support, and the unwavering belief that even in the darkest moments, healing is possible. Our community is not just a support system; it’s a testament to the strength that emerges when shattered hearts unite. Let this be a community where hope flourishes, determination prevails, and the indomitable human spirit triumphs over adversity.

"Grieving with God's Grace"

Our hopes is that we can uplift and encourage thoses trapped in the deep dark despair of grief. Grief had me imprisoned for years, without a voice. The first time I shared my story about my demised son with another greiving mother, I felt a sudden sense of mental relief. I sobbed endlessly, while telling this unknown person; about how I felt alone in crowded places, how I desperately pleaded with God to end my life, and how I constantly blamed myself for my son death. Abruptly, she interrupted our conversation, conveying mutual feelings. We cried and embraced each other with the little strength we had. 

I went on carelessly confessing my hidden struggles with alcohol and drug abuse, homelessness, abandonment, and, most importantly, the repetitive thoughts of “guilt.” I had no idea expressing my state of deep dejection, would release so much psychological pressure. Furthermore, be a gateway through the sorrows of my grieving journey. I never knew so much freedom would come from revealing my emotional distress. A single dot of light had evolved into a roadway of hope. God had restored my life and healed my broken spirit; “Good Grief.”

I created “In The Eyes of Grieving Mothers,” to connect grieving mothers & familes together to share their grief journey and build relationships. With the expectation of filling the self-loathing and emotional despair gap. Despite everything, I retuned back to school, obtained my G.E.D, am currently enrolled in college, attended several parenting classes, and stopped self-medicating with alcohol and drugs. I have ten-plus uninterrupted years clean & sober. Also, I was able to forgive the man who killed my son. Today, I travel the world with other grieving mothers and families to share our stories of adversities, spiritual transitions and our victorious battles with grief. “Please! Join us; pack your pain, tell your story, & let the healing begin~within!”

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