Javier Velez was fatally taken by a reckless driver, two weeks after his eighth bithday. On July 23, 2023, Javier was asleep in the back seat of his father’s parked car when a drunk driver, who was traveling at a speed of 107 mph on the highway, lost control of the vehicle, veering off the road and slamming into the parked car. Javier was later pronouced deceased at a New Jersey hospital. At the time law enforcement did not arrest or file charges against the driver. It was months later following a community cry out for justice along with Javier’s grieving family. The driver was later taken into custody following the public demonstration and support, which prompted media attention. Javier was a happy child who loved playing with his younger brother, going fishing with his dad, and creating dance videos with his mother. Javier loved to play video games and explore the outdoors. He was the light to our world, recantes his mother. My perfectly happy and healthy baby taken at the hands of someone else!

In The Eyes of “Kaylah Smith”

I MISS YOU SO MUCH KID!” Mommy’s heart breaks more and more everyday. I am not going make it too long down here without you buddy. Heaven COULD HAVE waited , it wasn’t your time to go , he was too young. His life was stolen from him , from “US”. It has been 6 months today without Javi, 6 months without his love , his kisses , his hugs , his cuddles ,6 months without hearing his voice , 6 months that his killer has been FREE, 6 months of fighting for justice , 6 months of suffering and pain , 6 months of non-stop crying , 6 months of mourning my first born child . It’s not right & I am never going to let his name fade. Javier’s mother continues to fight for justice for Javier and ask for all community leaders, city officials and law makers to support her call for action against unlawful convictions and prison terms for these type of carelessly acts. Please visit her on Instagram page and help get signatures by signing the petition below. Thank you

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